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BY ADEMOLA FEBIAN ADEBOWALE ESQ., PURPOSE This article aims to explore ways by which a winner of a senatorial election in Nigeria is determined vis-à-vis Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as amended), Electoral Act 2022 and INEC’s Regulations and Guidelines for the conduct of Elections 2022. KEYWORDS Electoral Act, Margin of lead principle, Election, Constitution, INEC’s Regulations and Guidelines for the conduct of Elections. INTRODUCTION Amidst the vibrant tapestry of democracy, one timeless element reigns supreme: the sacrosanct ritual of elections. Nowhere is this revered practice more evident than in the Federal Republic of Nigeria, where it finds its rightful place in the very heart of the Constitution. Truly, the Constitution stands as “the fons et origo,” an unwavering beacon of governance and the “grundnorm”—the bedrock upon which the entire legal framework takes form, meaning and origin from. In this great nation, the Constitution's hallowe...

Reasons why we feel divided in Nigeria

*Laughs* i know this is not a funny issue but rather a serious one, especially due to the fact that i'm claiming to love Nigeria with my heart and want to see it grow and develop.

Let me make some things clear first: i am a realist. However, i can be optimistic too, maybe it's due to the fact that i am a christian and christians live by faith and not by sight...I'm not sure but that's how it is.
Now that i've cleared that, it is crystal clear that Nigeria has problems. Actually, which country doesn't have problems? I believe however that knowing your problems is the first medicine that can solve them, or at least help to solve them.
Growing up as a kid, i learnt in school that the source of the problems in Nigeria originates from the invasion by the British and other foreigners i.e. during the colorial period. Having grown up, i started thinking and i came up with this - the problem with Nigeria is Nigerians.
No matter how we try so hard to push the blame or responsibility to the colonial masters or even blame members of other ethnic groups, we are still our problem. How is it possible that Nigeria gained independence since 1960 and became a republic in 1963 and we here still blaming the colonialists in 2017. Wow! Indeed we are wonderful.*sacastically*
Besides that, another predominant problem, perhaps the most common is the issue of tribal/ethnic and religous differences. The current trend is the agitation by the Igbos concerning secession from Nigeria because they feel that they are being cheated on a daily basis by the Hausas and Yorubas(according to them). The Igbos have now seen the need to form a new country known as Biafra where it feels that there will never be problems again. Lol. Why can't we be together? What exactly is dividing us?

Here are a few reasons Nigerians feel divided: (1) identification (2) indoctrination (3) we lack understanding.
IDENTIFICATION: This is a feeling of belonging to a particular group or sect. Many Nigerians feel attached to people who belong to either an association, a club or an organization. This is meant to be a good thing bit it isn't because members of the group feel close to each other but what about people who don't belong to that group? Anyone who isn't a member or who belongs to another(i.e. members of a different association) are seen as an enemy.
INDOCTRINATION: This means being raised or trained into a particular doctrine. A doctrine is a belief or tenet, it is a body of teachings of a religion or an organization . Most of us are either christians or muslims because we were born into families that practice that exact religion. Having been born, we are then raised with that particular belief. Thus, feeling distant or resistant from those who do not share the same belief with us.
WE LACK UNDERSTANDING: The bible clearly says that God's people suffer for lack of understanding. Why can't we think? Many Nigerians, especially the youths are ready to follow a man occupying a position blindly just because he is from our tribe. These so called "leaders" never cater for the youths except they need the youths to go and fight for them. I believe that we are smart, not foolish! Isn't it common sense that since everytime elections in Nigeria draws nearer, politicians come to us the youths to back them up? They know that the youths are the swords, pillars and backbone of any nation and as such, we are highly relevant for the nation to stand. Yet, we throw away our chance to make the right choice everytime because maybe we feel that after dying for them they'll raise us from the dead and put us into relevant positions in Nigeria. It's quite sad.
Know this, we are strong, we are capable and SOMEDAY things will be right in this country, Nigeria. Trust me on this.


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