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BY ADEMOLA FEBIAN ADEBOWALE ESQ., PURPOSE This article aims to explore ways by which a winner of a senatorial election in Nigeria is determined vis-à-vis Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as amended), Electoral Act 2022 and INEC’s Regulations and Guidelines for the conduct of Elections 2022. KEYWORDS Electoral Act, Margin of lead principle, Election, Constitution, INEC’s Regulations and Guidelines for the conduct of Elections. INTRODUCTION Amidst the vibrant tapestry of democracy, one timeless element reigns supreme: the sacrosanct ritual of elections. Nowhere is this revered practice more evident than in the Federal Republic of Nigeria, where it finds its rightful place in the very heart of the Constitution. Truly, the Constitution stands as “the fons et origo,” an unwavering beacon of governance and the “grundnorm”—the bedrock upon which the entire legal framework takes form, meaning and origin from. In this great nation, the Constitution's hallowe...


Most times when i run out of what to say during a conversation with someone, i ask the person i'm chatting with this question: "if you were to be an animal, which would it be?"Though this hasn't been proven by psychologists but i believe that the animal that the person honestly selects is a reflection of how that person percieves himself. How? okay, the rational behind my answer is that, for example if a person selects a cat, before the person gives his/her reason for the answer what will come to my mind is that the person percieves himself as probably being sexy, or loyal to his family because a cat obviously has a sexy way of walking (cat walk) and it is common knowledge that no matter where a cat goes, it somehow finds its way back home. As for me, i'ld love to be a lion. The lion is not the biggest animal in the jungle, it's not even the biggest cat in the jungle. Lions are the laziest of the big cats because they spend 16 - 20 hours of the day sleeping or resting. One would be wondering, "why will i choose lions over animals?" You might find my reasons funny but i'm very sure that some will find them interesting. Many reasons are: (1) I LOVE TO BE KING: Quite obvious right? The lion as i mentioned earlier is not the biggest animal nor is it the biggest cat in the jungle but yet, it's generally regarded as "the king of the jungle". I was made to understand that in the jungle, your strenght determines if you survive or live and also size matters.Despite this fact, the lion is still regarded as the king of the jungle. Just like another blogger(MURALI KRISHNAN) opined that "If I'm the kingmaker, I will choose the Lion anyway (obviously!). Lion has the formidable personality of a King. Just look at him. The highly distinctive mane resembles a natural crown providing an excellent intimidation display! The more casual and lazy "I don't give a fuck" attitude! I can't think of any other animal to take the coveted king's role. Tiger? Not my choice. Looks like a XXL sized cat. Elephant? Nope. Too slow. Pure Vegetarian. Fox, Wolf, Hyena? Nope. Personality doesn't suit. Lack magnificence. Rhinoceros? This guy's horn looks a bit weird. Vegetarian. Monkey, Giraffe, Zebra? I can hear your 'LOL'. Lion is at the top of the food chain. Only few animals dare to challenge Lion for a fight, that too in rare cases. Lions spend much of their time resting and are inactive for about 20 hours a day (only a king can afford such lifestyle). You can add many valid reasons to justify Lion's candidacy. Lion is the icon of courage and royalty. A true King!" (2) I AM TERRITORIAL: A lion, especially the males mark their territory with their urine and even fight to chase away trespassers. Whether it has to do with my property or even in relationships, i don't share. Yeah! Call me greedy or anything you like, i can help someone out with my place to crash for a while but when you overstay your welcome, i am not scared to show you the exit. As for my girlfriend or wife, don't even go there! (3) I PROTECT MY FAMILY: The male lion doesn't only make their territory but they make sure that the cubs are safe until they are of age. They also protect the lionesses from meddlesome interloppers. I love my family very much so if i consider you my family, i'll do all that is in my power to protect you. After all, nothing is more important than family.


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