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BY ADEMOLA FEBIAN ADEBOWALE ESQ., PURPOSE This article aims to explore ways by which a winner of a senatorial election in Nigeria is determined vis-à-vis Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as amended), Electoral Act 2022 and INEC’s Regulations and Guidelines for the conduct of Elections 2022. KEYWORDS Electoral Act, Margin of lead principle, Election, Constitution, INEC’s Regulations and Guidelines for the conduct of Elections. INTRODUCTION Amidst the vibrant tapestry of democracy, one timeless element reigns supreme: the sacrosanct ritual of elections. Nowhere is this revered practice more evident than in the Federal Republic of Nigeria, where it finds its rightful place in the very heart of the Constitution. Truly, the Constitution stands as “the fons et origo,” an unwavering beacon of governance and the “grundnorm”—the bedrock upon which the entire legal framework takes form, meaning and origin from. In this great nation, the Constitution's hallowe...


I went to write an exam some months back and when I saw other people who wanted to write that same exam with me, I became scared. I started asking myself; “how can I qualify when we have over 300 people here to write an exam that only about 150 people will be selected?” I never thought for one second that I could make it. I felt like all hope was lost because there was no way I could outsmart others to be one of the selected persons. After a while, this thought came to my mind; “how are others feeling right now? Well, I’m sure that they are confident or perhaps they are scared as I am”. The truth is that everyone is scared but some other people know to hide their fears and look tough on the outside. If you don’t know this, you’ll feel that they are all geniuses or perfect robots but trust me, they are not. They read just as you read, they bleed just as you bleed, they can fail as well but do not believe that you can fail at all. Everyone is as special as he/she perceives himself to be. Remember that it all starts from the mind. You have to first look at yourself and ask yourself; “what is that thing that I believe I have that others don’t”. It could be the ability to come up with something even if you didn’t prepare ; it could be that you can read something and memorize it in a short time frame. Hey ! If yours is not among the ones mentioned here don’t be scared okay. You just have to trust in yourself, believing that no matter the outcome, you’ll do your best. As a person, I’m not scared of who takes first all the time. Rather, I dread those who have gotten this revelation and always strive to get better. Such persons can fall, fall, fall, fall, fall…countless times yet, after crying initially, they pick themselves up and start all over again. This is a winner’s quality and believe me when I say that you dare not get into the ring with such a person. We all are special in one way or the other. I once told a girl that she’s perfect and she immediately replied that she’s only human and so she can’t be perfect. I laughed and said this to her ; “to me, being perfect doesn’t mean that you don’t make mistakes but you have the kind of mistakes that make you perfect”. What I mean here is that there is a part of you that feels like a mistake. It is not. It’s what distincts you from another person and that’s what makes you a “perfect you”. The bible provided in 1st Corinthians that a harp and a pipe both make sounds and that if there was no distinction between the sound of the harp from that of the pipe, how then shall someone know what is harped and what is piped ? (1 Corinthians 14 : 7). The harp is not better than the pipe and vice versa ; they are both special in their own way and so are you. After reading this piece, I do hope that I’ve been able to trigger something in you and now you know that no matter who you are or what you are, you are indeed special. Just so you know, i passed the exam and i was among those that were selected.


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